Uassist Me

UAssist.Me is a thriving virtual assistant company with mentions in 30Under30, CNN, impact 100, and more. They offer help from highly skilled assistants that specialize in administrative and clerical work for several industries.

The top benefits of UAssist.Me include:

  • help from virtual assistants that specialize in specific industries including design, consultancy, technology, real estate, web development, advertising, personal assistance, and more.
  • You pick a plan that best suits your needs and they are transparent about pricing and services offered.
  • Your personal assistant has a fully-equipped work station.
  • You can select the number of hours your virtual assistant is available and only pay for what you use.
  • You can select a plan that offers a back-up assistant.
  • You get unlimited US calls.
  • Confidentiality is strictly managed.
  • They also offer help with social media and web design.

One of the top benefits of UAssist.Me is they offer 100% transparency with their pricing. Their plans range from 20 hours per month for $299/month to a full-time assistant for $1499/month. With UAssist.Me, what you see is what you get in terms of services and prices. In the event you go over your dedicated hours, one of their customer service representatives will contact you and let you know about options to upgrade your plan. While this may seem expensive upon first glance, it’s much cheaper than hiring a full-time employee to come into your office each day.